How to Add Binance Smart Chain to Metamask?

Add BSC to Metamask

What is Binance Smart Chain?

Binance Smart Chain is a cutting-edge technology that enhances the Binance Chain platform’s programmability and interoperability. Binance Smart Chain uses a 21-validator with Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) consensus for faster block times and lower costs. Validators and block producers will be chosen among the most bonded staking candidates. Double-sign detection and other cutting logic provide security, stability, and chain finality.


Suppose you haven’t installed metamask yet. Here’s the link for the tutorial. Link here.


Adding Binance Smart Chain to Metamask


Step 1: Open Your MetaMask Wallet

It’s located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Click the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen to open the wallet.

You’ll be given the option of opening your wallet on an expanded view.

Metamask Expand view option

After selecting the second option, you will be routed to your wallet in a new tab.

Metamask Wallet in new tab

Step 2: Add BSC Network Information

By clicking on your profile symbol in the top-right corner, you may go to Settings.

Metamask Settings

On the left side of your screen, please select the “Networks” option.

Select Network Metamask

Click Add Network.

Add Network Metamask

You’ll be prompted to fill in the form of the network you’d want to add. Input the following information to add Binance Smart Chain:


Network Name: Binance Smart Chain


Chain ID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:


After you’ve copied and pasted all of the information into your Metamask wallet, click “Save.”

Binance Smart Chain Network Information

When you leave the “Settings” tab, you’ll find that the BNB symbol has been added to your wallet’s “Assets” section. Your wallet screen will look like this if you’ve done everything correctly.

Congratulation, you have now successfully added Binance Smart Chain to your Metamask wallet. We hope this tutorial helped you!